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Joseph Siml

BArch student, University of Arizona


Joseph Siml is currently pursuing his undergraduate degree in architecture with a minor in sustainability. As a budding designer, he is interested in understanding how architecture is translated through imagery, particularly conceptual renderings. He is also a closet architectural history enthusiast who enjoys learning about past examples of exemplary design


Joseph helps manage the social media accounts of ISIE, which seek to connect the researchers of international expositions with each other to enrich scholarship.


Constanza has presented her work at the 109th CAA Annual Conference (2021), the Symposium on the History of Art Presented by The Frick Collection and The Institute of Fine Arts of New York University (2022), and ISIE’s Inaugural Symposium. She has been recently awarded a Terra Foundation Travel Grant to research the 1922 Rio de Janeiro Centennial of Independence Exposition and the Helen G. Allen Humanities Award by the Boston University Center for the Humanities. In the Spring of 2023, she will serve as a fellow at The Wolfsonian—Florida International University Museum.


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